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Lobster Tan (Reissue)
AGT Records are back for number 008 and the smoke machine is on fullblast.
Christian Llopis put out a handful of releases in the early 2000’s, eachcapturing the progressive machine-groove of the time, but with his ownsignature twist and turn that made his sound stand apart from hiscontemporaries. The Lobster Tan EP, fi rst released in 2005 on Play. Out.Right. Now. Recordings, shows off his unique style perfectly.
Each track has its own distinct personality while maintaining arelentless momentum that throws each kick drum into the next. Thetitle track ‘Lobster Tan’ has an almost elastic groove in the low end,balanced deftly with swirling samples and melody lines. ‘Simulation’ is amore heady off ering, perfect for those late night/early morningmoments where the heads are down and the lights are low. The mood issinister, and its growling bassline and vocal samples barrel the tuneforwards. Pick of the bunch is ‘Back in the Day’, a tribal roller thatcombines organic melody lines and pads with an ever-evolving basslinethat will refresh any discerning dance fl oor back into life.
Llopis is an expert at keeping things subtle while moving the gears, andthis release is a prime example of prog done right. We
Lobster Tan
Back In The Days