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First Light
The name Sleepnet first emerged when UKF premiered a mysterious release named "Angel Blade", following a series of cryptic posts on social media. Now confirmed to be the debut solo project for Noisia's Nik Roos.
The EP, cites Sleepnet, is "inspired by true events", and features the tracks: "Love No More", "Angel Blade", "Void Song" (collaboration with Former), "Unravel", "First Light", "Glass Hearts" (collaboration with IMANU), and "Hindsight" The music explores different stages of loss, grief and rebirth, and some of the tracks contain fragments of sounds and music that were originally intended for Noisia productions over the past two decades, but never used.
"Sleepnet exists because I wanted to have an outlet for my music after Noisia. I want to use that vocabulary to tell a more personal story. I want the music, the whole project, to mean something to me. So I tried to do as much as I could myself. Writing and producing, mixing and mastering, logo design and artwork, even some singing here and there. I am considering knitting the merchandise myself as well :D I worked on this EP from December 2019 to December 2020. Writing it helped me identify and process things I'd been going through: letting go of Noisia, grieving over lost friends, and welcoming my daughter into the world. You can look at it in that light: as a process of grief and rebirth. That's what I hear in it. But the music should speak for itself and it has a magical ability to mean different things to different people. So have a listen yourself, I wonder what you might hear."
Sleepnet Love No More
Sleepnet Angel Blade
Sleepnet & Former Void Song
Sleepnet Unravel
Sleepnet First Light
Sleepnet & IMANU Glass Hearts
Sleepnet Hindsight